Strategic security camera placement is vital for ensuring your facility is fully protected. At OHZ Remote Guarding, we specialize in comprehensive security, but without proper camera positioning, your system may not reach its full potential. Here are six key factors to consider when determining the best locations for your security cameras.

1. Cover All Entry Points

The first and most obvious rule of security camera placement is ensuring that all entry points are covered. This includes main entrances, side doors, windows, and even smaller openings like dog doors, which could provide access for intruders. Make sure every potential entry point is monitored by a camera.

2. Monitor Secluded Areas

Don’t overlook secluded areas around your building, such as dumpsters, back alleys, and waste disposal sites. These are prime spots where intruders might hide or discard stolen goods. Position cameras in these low-traffic areas to cover all possible hiding spots.

3. Install Lighting at Entry Points

While cameras are essential, they’re only effective with proper lighting. Without sufficient light, cameras may not capture clear footage, particularly at night. Ensure that entry and exit points have adequate lighting to complement your security camera placement, allowing better identification of intruders.

4. Regularly Check for Obstructions

Make sure no objects, trees, or other obstructions block your cameras’ view. With OHZ Remote Guarding’s 24/7 surveillance, our team can notify you if anything obstructs your cameras, but it’s still good practice to check periodically to avoid blind spots.

5. Maximize Internal Space Coverage

Position your internal cameras to cover the largest possible area. This is crucial for tracking intruders and monitoring high-traffic locations such as reception areas or point-of-sale terminals. Full interior coverage can prevent blind spots inside your facility.

6. Place Cameras Out of Reach

To prevent tampering or damage, position your cameras high enough so intruders can’t easily reach them. Cameras placed too low are at risk of being disabled or stolen, so it’s essential to balance accessibility for monitoring with security.

Conclusion: Maximize Security with OHZ Remote Guarding

Proper security camera placement can make all the difference in protecting your facility. At OHZ Remote Guarding, we provide full security system assessments to ensure every corner of your property is covered. Contact us today to learn more about how we can secure your business.