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Our representatives are well versed in surveillance accuracy, with a team at the ready to answer your questions and assist with an on-site estimate

These types of systems utilize on-site video surveillance devices, manned by human beings who are deployed off-site. OHZ’s systems are supported by video analytics and Artificial Intelligence, making us far more effective at securing your properties.

A dedicated business-class broadband connection with a minimum of 50kbps per camera upload speed is preferred. Faster connections ensure that the video feed will not affect the network’s performance. If you don’t have an internet connection at your location OHZ will install a wireless modem to connect our two systems.

OHZ manages the entire process. We will perform a complete and comprehensive on-site threat assessment of your property. OHZ will spec out your location using our video analytics system. Upon final analysis, our expert team will install a state-of-the-art security system or we will connect your existing system into our Security Operations Center, supported by an Artificial Intelligence network, ensuring there are no blind spots, and complete functionality. Customized to your specifications: Procedures and security protocols are established and enacted. Once installation is complete we deploy a live system.

Yes OHZ can integrate your existing camera network and if necessary we can add to your existing system to improve or update its readiness.

Clients maintain access to cameras at all times via Internet connected devices. We can onboard anyone who needs access once installation is completed.

OHZ systems are optimized for each individual location. Because there is a great deal of redundancy in our systems real threats are detected by our guards within a matter of seconds.

You can call our toll-free number, send a whatsapp message to our surveillance center, or email us at, or disarm using the iOS App (iPhone/iPad). Clients have multiple options when it’s necessary to make changes to standard protocols.

OHZ Remote Guarding understands that video monitoring is much more than watching cameras at night. Footage can be used to combat employee theft, disprove false liability claims, identify the cause of property damage or even highlight examples of great customer service. However, searching for video footage can be time-consuming, so we have a trained video audit team dedicated to helping customers find what they need and to assist the authorities when necessary. Rather than spending hours reviewing video, our customers simply give us a call, or email us at tell us what they need, and we do the rest, at no additional charge.

Motion can trigger an alarm, but the problem with motion is that we become numb to the alerts and stop checking them consistently, especially at night when problems are most likely to occur. AI can differentiate between an unwanted motion (a flapping tarp for example) and an intruder on your site. Threats are verified by one of our highly trained OHZ Remote Guard. When a verified crime is in progress the authorities are called.

Check out our Instagram page you can see there in real-time what happens when we detect an intruder.

OHZ can be anywhere we’re needed. Our system engineers create custom solutions for each client. We monitor everywhere from busy urban construction zones, to construction sites, parking garages and apartment complexes in the remotest corners of the USA and Canada. Get in touch for more information!

OHZ offers virtual doorman services, allowing access or denying access to properties at all hours, based on your specific criteria. We can even notify you when people are loitering in key areas.

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We offer state-of-the-art security solutions that can provide around-the-clock security for any type of commercial or private property.