Construction sites often attract various types of criminals, making robust security essential. Theft, trespassing, vandalism, and employee misconduct are common problems. Ensuring construction sites security is crucial to safeguarding your site. OHZ Remote Guarding specializes in offering customized security solutions that address these challenges. With our services, you can confidently protect your construction site from potential threats.

Protecting Against Sneak Thieves

Construction sites are prime targets for thieves looking for easily accessible items. At OHZ, we implement remote video guarding with security cameras strategically placed throughout the site. The system sets danger detection zones, allowing for immediate responses to unauthorized entry. Additionally, microphones allow Remote Guards to deter intruders with verbal warnings. When the situation escalates, they contact law enforcement, ensuring the police arrive promptly. This proactive approach guarantees rapid intervention, preventing criminal activity from progressing.

Learn more about our Remote Video Guarding Solutions.

Preventing Employee Theft

Sometimes, employees may take advantage of their access to construction materials or tools. Our video surveillance system identifies any suspicious behavior, immediately notifying the site manager for quick action. This level of monitoring ensures that employee theft is addressed and prevented before it becomes a significant issue.

Monitoring Employee Efficiency

For hourly-paid employees, ensuring productivity during working hours is essential. OHZ Remote Guarding closely monitors employee activity, tracking accurate data on entry times, breaks, and work performance. This data gives site managers full transparency, enabling them to ensure employees are working efficiently and meeting expectations.

Managing Emergency Situations

Construction sites are vulnerable to various emergencies, from extreme weather conditions to accidents. Our video surveillance system quickly detects potential risks, alerting the site manager to take action immediately. This real-time monitoring ensures employee safety and prevents asset damage from escalating.

Comprehensive Security Solutions for Your Construction Site

OHZ Remote Guarding provides comprehensive security solutions by working closely with site managers, maintaining real-time communication to ensure quick responses to any situation. Our artificial intelligence-powered cameras monitor your site 24/7, detecting any suspicious activity or threats. In the event of a criminal situation, our Remote Guards notify the police, ensuring your site remains secure from financial losses due to theft or vandalism.

See how our Construction Site Security Solutions provide round-the-clock protection.

OHZ Remote Guarding offers effective and customizable construction sites security solutions to protect your site from theft, vandalism, and employee misconduct. Our remote video guarding ensures real-time monitoring and provides immediate responses to any threats. Contact OHZ today to discuss how we can safeguard your construction site and prevent financial losses.

Visit our Contact Page to schedule a consultation and discuss your security needs.