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OHZ Security for business owners

🚫🏠 Attention Business Owners! Dealing with homeless encampments on your property after hours? We understand the challenge. Our hearts go out to those experiencing homelessness, but we also prioritize your safety and security. Let's work together to find compassionate solutions while ensuring your property remains a safe space for all. Reach out today to discuss proactive measures and support options. #communitysafety #CompassionateSolutions #businessowners #CCTV #RemoteGuard #VirtualGuard #security 🤝🏢 ...

AI Video Security Systems with Speakers

Advantages Of AI Enabled Security Systems

- No false alarms
- Instant response to threats
- Trigger system
- Nighttime detection
- Best in class accuracy

#ohzremoteguarding #ohzsecurity #remotevideomonitoring #remotesecurity #videomonitoring #cctv #cctvsurveillance #videosurveillance #remoteguarding #security #securityservices #businesssecurity #businesssecuritycameras #businesssecuritysystems #securitycompany #securitysolutions #cops #news #police

Homeless removed from business. #cctvcamera #remoteguarding #ohzsecurity #security #police

A homeless person set up a makeshift shelter on an OHZ customers property. Our virtual guards use the speaker system to voice down and give them a chance to leave. They were not compliant, so OHZ guards called local authorities to go to the site and have them removed. ...

OHZ Remote Guards at work. #news #cctvsecurity #cctvcamera #remoteguarding #police #otsecurity

OHZ Guards are reducing crime daily in this parking lot! Frequent flyers keep trying to break into parked cars while customers are shopping. Our guards noticed this car and suspicious guy checking for unlocked cars while the driver waited nearby. Using the speaker system on site our Virtual Guards were able to alert the men and they promptly left the parking lot. ...

Chasing Teens out of Parking Garage #cctvsurveillance #videosurveillance #remoteguarding #security

Video surveillance is one of the most important ways to protect your parking garage. Don’t let cars get damaged, provide a reliable security system.
OHZ Remote Guarding is the best partner in 24/7 video surveillance.

Get the highest level of protection for your property by booking a free security assessment.

#ohzremoteguarding #ohzsecurity #remotevideomonitoring #remotesecurity #videomonitoring #cctv #securityservices #businesssecurity #businesssecuritycameras #businesssecuritysystems #securitycompany #securitysolutions

Guy gets kicked out of Construction Site #cctv #remotevideomonitoring #securitycompany

Catch of the month! A young man entered a worksite after hours. Our Virtual Guards called the police and were able to direct them to the intruder and have him removed from the property.
Ask how OHZ can enhance your current security system.

#ohzremoteguarding #ohzsecurity #remotevideomonitoring #remotesecurity #videomonitoring #cctv #cctvsurveillance #videosurveillance #remoteguarding #security #securityservices #businesssecurity #businesssecuritycameras #businesssecuritysystems #securitycompany #securitysolutions

Teens Start Fire at Car Dealership - Not today kids! #cctvcamera #remoteguarding #videomonitoring

Car dealerships are often prime targets for thieves. OHZ Remote Guarding implements a full range of security systems and solutions that can protect the property from any type of theft and trespassers.

#ohzremoteguarding #ohzsecurity #remotevideomonitoring #remotesecurity #videomonitoring #cctv #cctvsurveillance #videosurveillance #remoteguarding #security #securityservices #businesssecurity #businesssecuritycameras #businesssecuritysystems #securitycompany #securitysolutions

Catch of the month September #cctv #remoteguarding

Having trouble with the trash bins in your complex? From illegal dumping to residents not following protocol for disposing their trash, OHZ Virtual Guards will keep a watchful eye. Speak with a sales expert today!

#ohzremoteguarding #ohzsecurity #remotevideomonitoring #remotesecurity #videomonitoring #cctv #cctvsurveillance #videosurveillance #remoteguarding #security #securityservices #businesssecurity #businesssecuritycameras #businesssecuritysystems #securitycompany #securitysolutions

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