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Problems are detected before they can escalate

Installation of AI-security systems at the secured facility makes it possible to instantly detect danger and criminal attempts, creating a security system that is highly proactive. Today, AI security systems are the key to a reliable security system, with the ability to detect threats in a fraction of a second in any environment. We create custom security solutions that are based on the specific requirements of each individual facility, to achieve the highest level of protection for our customers.
Our experts will conduct a location security assessment to design the most reliable security solution.
We implement leading-edge software solutions that will secure your property, seamlessly integrating them into current security and customer access control systems.
We increase the efficiency of the security system by controlling it from a certified video monitoring center, which is equipped with the latest security technology and managed by professional Remote Guards.

Advantages of AI Enabled Security Systems

State-of-the-art solutions allow the highest efficiency for property security, with the ability to detect a danger or crime before it starts.
No false alarms
Our certified video monitoring center, OHZ Remote Guarding, features advanced solutions that determine the nature of all on-site activities and ensure a complete absence of false alarms.
Instant response to threats
By skillfully managing security solutions, Remote Guards can instantly identify any threat on your property and are able to eliminate it in minutes.
Trigger system
Software helps control security on your property by dividing it into trigger zones and triggers. If a trigger is activated, the screen of the Remote Guard immediately flashes an alert.
Night time detection
OHZ Remote Guarding solutions will detect an object by its movement, even if it's the darkest night. This is very effective in combating theft, trespassing and vandalism.
Best in class accuracy
The accuracy of our cameras allow us to capture reliable images and clearly identify perpetrators. The description of his appearance goes to the guard on site or to the police officer in order to immediately detain offenders.
Photo/video fixation
Every action that a surveillance camera captures is recorded and stored in our system. This allows us to provide the necessary evidence when crimes are committed for insurance and the legal system.

Efficacy in Action

We integrate the industry's best Artificial Intelligence-based security solutions and effectively operate them using professional Remote Guards.
Perform an assessment of property security and develop a customized plan of security software solutions that can meet the security needs of a specific facility.
We install security systems based on artificial intelligence. The area is protected with the most advanced security features.
Our software processes the video stream from your facility in real time. All information about objects, activity and personnel is recorded and processed by the AI program for instant detection of threats.
When triggers are activated, the system instantly records the moment of the incident and sends complete information with the exact time and location of the incident.
Remote Guards receive a signal from the alarm system and immediately act to prevent the crime.

All solutions need intelligence management

The professional skills of our Remote Guards are the vital piece that allows for the most effective security system. By operating from a certified video monitoring center, Remote Guards maximize the full benefits of state-of-the-art security. Certified video monitoring center standards make it mandatory to provide regular training for our Remote Guards, making our team one of the most efficient in the video monitoring industry.
The Remote Guards workstation is equipped with multiple monitors, allowing us to monitor streaming video from surveillance cameras from several dozen viewpoints simultaneously.
We use trigger functions that help the guards react instantly to threats. The Remote Guards assess the threat level and appropriate response.
The video monitoring center is equipped with additional features, such as two-way audio speakers, access controls to apartments and parking lots, identification of moving objects in a dark premises, and instant communication with the police.
OHZ Remote Guarding has a great team of professionals who can effectively provide security for every inch of the protected area 24/7/365.
Once the danger is eliminated, the Remote Guards send an incident report through the customer notification system to confirm that the property is safe.

Schedule a Free Security Consultation

OHZ Remote Guarding will perform a complete and comprehensive on-site threat assessment of your property.

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    We offer state-of-the-art security solutions that can provide around-the-clock security for any type of commercial or private property.