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Security System for Construction Sites

Construction sites area needs solid protection as it attracts crooks of all kinds. Theft, trespassing, vandalism and employee error these are the regular problems which have to be solved with the help of security system within the site. OHZ Remote Guarding provides a customized security system specializing on solving all these problems for construction sites. […]
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Why you need remote guarding, even if you have an on-site guard

Often, clients contact us when they already have their own security system, and are looking for solutions  to upgrade it. Having a security guard on site is a great advantage, but a guard does not have the ability to monitor the full perimeter of a large property. Paying more money for more guards is not […]
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Why is Remote Guarding the best option to protect your property?

In the modern world, you may find yourself or your business unprotected against criminal elements and other threats. Many business leaders erroneously believe that installing video cameras will adequately protect their property. Cameras are an important security tool. However, for absolute security it is imperative to implement other solutions that will help in protecting your […]
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Secrets of remote guarding success from OHZ Remote Guarding

Providing remote guarding for hundreds of companies in various industries is a hallmark of OHZ Remote Guarding. The implementation of modern technology, regular surveillance from cameras by security guards and immediate response to forbidden actions allow to keep intact the property of clients while saving thousands and thousands of dollars. Such efficiency is possible due […]
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The benefits why all apartment complexes should use remote guarding

Primarily, the main focus for video surveillance monitoring within an apartment building is ensuring its security.  Among such tasks we keep a close eye on the street, parking lot, entrance, playground, lobby, etc. to ensure the safety of property and tenants feel safe, reduce the risk of vandalism, loitering, car theft, theft in the parking […]
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TOP 5 Security Surveillance Challenges in the Cannabis Industry

The fast-growing cannabis industry in America increasingly attracts all kinds of criminals. There are a lot of security factors that can lead to shutting down a cannabis business. Cannabis facility owners should secure their business with the help of installing video surveillance systems and have it monitored 24/7 by our professional team, which helps  prevent […]
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Security System for Construction Sites

Construction sites area needs solid protection as it attracts crooks of all kinds. Theft, trespassing, vandalism and employee error these are the regular problems which have to be solved with the help of security system within the site. OHZ Remote Guarding provides a customized security system specializing on solving all these problems for construction sites. […]
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50 Fs Istotnie Deposit Lub 25 Euro Bez Depozytu

Wystarczy, że spełni podstawowe warunki weryfikacyjne (często wymaga się weryfikacji SMS czy też tożsamości) i jest w stanie go odebrać bez wymogu realizacji pierwszej wpłaty. Bonus, wynoszący 100 zł mechanicznie pojawi się na koncie gracza. Nie – do wyboru będziesz miał wyłącznie jeden z bonusów, dlatego dobrze zastanów się, który wydaje się być dla ciebie […]
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Remote Guarding and Other Ways To Keep Your Hotel Secure

There are many factors that are at play when it comes to the success of your business and the satisfaction of your customer. One element that should remain through the entirety of your business is safety. Safety for the customer, employee and the establishment should be kept up to date, and never neglected.  Take a […]
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Keeping your Construction Site Safe from Unwanted Strangers

In our latest video, we captured an intruder entering one of our sites late at night. Click here to watch the video. At around 2 AM, an OHZ Remote Guarding agent spotted an unwanted stranger entering one of the construction sites that OHZ Remote Guarding monitors. The intruder entered without hesitation and shockingly flopped on […]
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