Shopping center security takes a lot of planning to make sure all areas are monitored on video. OHZ technology provides virtual guards with the ability to actively watch sites in real-time. Using voice commands through speakers OHZ virtual guards can inform trespassers they have been spotted and call the police if it is needed.


  1. Monitor Entire Property Simultaneously
    It’s important to be all able to monitor all areas of your shopping center with CCTV systems. OHZ will take a custom approach in learning all the details about your shopping center and develop a plan to fit your needs. Remote surveillance will protect your business owner’s property and goods.
  2. Advanced Movement Analytics
    Our state-of-the-art security system responds to movements and uses artificial intelligence to spot unusual activity. Remote Guards can identify any threat on your property and are able act quickly. They also have a direct line to emergency response teams should the need arise.
  3. Loudspeaker Voice Commands
    We monitor your property 24/7, and use loudspeakers with voice downs when needed. If an intruder enters the property, or someone is shoplifting, our agents will call them out identifying their appearance and tell them to leave. When needed they will contact local law enforcement to assist on scene.
  4. Detailed Incident Reporting
    OHZ increases the efficiency of the security system by controlling it from a certified video monitoring center, which is equipped with the latest security technology and managed by professional Remote Guards. All incidents are recorded and shared via an app with the business owners. The video and sound are available to be downloaded or shared with local authorities.
  5. Reduced Security Costs
    With 24/7 remote guarding you can cut costs of having live guards on site. The cost of video monitoring is less than having someone on site 24/7. Many businesses use video monitoring in combination with live guards to reduce on their costs as well.


Our security experts will assess your facility’s security needs and create a custom security solution that will keep your property safe. Talk to one of our security experts today!